Services We Offer

The support you need in a time of crisis!

Are you faced with an unexpected pregnancy? You are not alone. Michael the Archangel is here to help.

  • Free pregnancy tests to women who suspect they may be pregnant

  • Clothing and accessories for expecting mothers and children

  • Formula and baby food for newborns and infants

  • Guidance on additional resources in the community for clients who need assistance with other areas of life such as housing and medical care

  • Informational and educational materials on subjects such as fetal development, abortion, post-abortion healing and religious/biblical views of pro-life issues

To receive resources related to children, please bring them with you to the office.

If you have questions, please visit our office during operating hours or call (503) 581-2229.

Note: Item availability at any given time is dependent on donations to Michael the Archangel.

Support our mission. Consider making a donation today.